Sunday, February 3, 2008


For all of you that think all I do is eat over here well here are some pictures of what I have been doing here. Now the picture with the number 2 on the building is the office and I walk from there to the plant which is about 1/2 of a mile .The guys in the pictrues are the Gage room tech. here and I am training them from scratch when I say rookie, well let me put it to you like this it would be like you bringing me a watch with all the pieces and say ok put it back together and oh by the way here is the instruction but they are in Chinese. The pictures are from inside and outside the plant we have temporary power and lights set up for training. Well as for the training it is going pretty good they have a lot to learn and a short time to get there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...We got a long way to go
and a short time to get there,
I'm eastbound, just watch old Bandit run ...."
- Jerry Reed
"Smokey and the Bandit"

But all you NC folks already knew that!
I hope we make it.