Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well the team took me out for my birthday. Here we are eating again now this was a night to remember .I turned 40 years old in China how cool is that .The reason I will never forget it is look what Mercer is drinking bone marrow straight from the bone.When they bring you a plastic glove to put on before you start drinking, should tell you something. I am telling you this man will eat or drink anything, when I get home I am going to get him on fear factor he will win for sure. Mercer order a cake too .Check out the fork they gave me to eat with.(Think they are trying to tell me something)


Ron C said...


I agree that is so cool. Now about the blood drinking thing, wretch, could we just go back to monkey stories?

Anonymous said...

Hey, 1.3 Billion Chinese!!
The food is not killing anybody - so why not try it?
Besides, everybody needs a few Stem Cells now and then to help out the old immune system!!